Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Garden Progress

The garden is growing some with the warm weather. Here's the peas.
And the tomatoes and pepper.

And corn. Now there's not much corn showing, and I think it's because I had to have one of the sprinklers fixed and the guy stomped all over everything I planted. So I planted more in a different spot and am waiting to see what this will do. I will probably replant it later.
And my prettiest strawberry plant.

Also, I went to a Relief Society Enrichment night last night on gardening and it was very interesting. All about how to seed your own tomatoes, squash, etc., inside in the spring. Also on composting and how to plant. She recommended the book Square Foot Gardening, and I bought it today. Check it out on my Shelfari shelf. I'm wondering how much of the actual building (boxes, trellises, etc.) I will really have to do. It seems like a great idea, though.


Cindy said...

I love square foot gardening. We never do rows anymore. Always wide areas and yes we get lots more yield from it. We have such a small space, so it works well for us. As you remember, our soil is very clayish, so I am contemplating building some boxes. It works great with bush beans. We borrowed the book you talked about from Don's aunt years ago. Good Luck!

Owner of the Band said...

I love your plant pics!! My garden just sprouted while I was out of town, and it was such a fun surprise to come home to. Send any extra crops our way 'case we poor as dirt. Thanks for your comment on my blog. It really helps.